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Dog Training Philosophy
Most dog owners are confused about how to work with their dog’s behaviors, so we created a dog training method focused on simple and effective techniques based on trust. Because every dog deserves to be the Best Dog Ever.

Training a Stubborn Dog: Why Your Dog Won't Listen
How do you train a stubborn dog? The answer to fixing your dog's behavior may not be training at all. Learn how Piloting your dog instead.
Kerry Stack
7 min read

Why Shock Collars Aren’t the Solution: Choosing Communication and Piloting for Effective Dog Training
Finding effective & safe dog training methods when working with your dog. Learn why shock collars shouldn't be a method for dog training.
Kerry Stack
7 min read

Dog Training 101: Why Your Dog is an Asshat
Your dog jumps on guests. He barks at them. He won't let them in the door. What gives? How to train your dog without cruelty.
Kerry Stack
7 min read

Does Your Dog Trust You? How Positive Failures Build Strong Bonds
Failing with training your dog? Discover how positive failure can be the best way to build trust with your dog and develop a healthy bond.
Kerry Stack
6 min read

Is Your Dog Rude? 5 Reasons Your Friends Think Your Dog Is a Jerk
You love your dog, but what do your friends think of your dog? Time to discover if your dog is being rude to your guests, and what to do!
Kerry Stack
5 min read

The Role of Behavior in Dog Training
Dog training smarter, not harder, starts with one simple understanding: dog behavior. Discover how shaping behavior makes dog training easy.
Kerry Stack
5 min read

Dog Training Basics: 5 Ways to Avoid Training Burnout
Feeling fatigued training your dog? Discover ways to avoid the dog training burnout, and stay the course to your Best Dog Ever.
Kerry Stack
6 min read

Summer Road Trip with Your Dog: Training Tips for a Stress-Free Journey
Car ride with your dog seem like Mad Max: Fury Road? Or even The Exorcist? Learn how to fix your dog's car etiquette & enjoy road trips.
Kerry Stack
6 min read

Ultimate Guide to Dog Training
Dog behavior vs. dog training: what's the difference? Learn why it's integral to know the differences, and how Piloting your dog can help.
Kerry Stack
18 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training: Mental Enrichment Tips
Mental work is necessary for your dog's health, but how do give your dog the enrichment they need? Discover easy ways in our latest article.
Kerry Stack
8 min read

Understanding Your Dog's Behavior: More Than Just 'Bad'
No, your dog isn't acting out of spite. Learn the reasons behind your pup's behaviors, and how to address them without punitive measures.
Kerry Stack
6 min read

The Puppy Training Timeline: Your First Year Journey
So you've just brought home your first puppy! As I tell all my first time puppy parents: you have my congratulations as well as my...
Kerry Stack
7 min read

Ultimate Guide to Anxiety: Dog Training While Managing Your Own Anxieties
Discover the ultimate guide to dog training anxious dogs while managing your own anxieties and conquer these fears together.
Kerry Stack
8 min read

Dog Training: Toxic New Year's Resolutions & What to Do Instead
Discover why toxic New Year's resolutions for dog training are a thing of the past, & what to do instead for a positive 2024 with your dog.
Kerry Stack
7 min read

Evolution of Dog Training: The Piloting Method of Darwin Dogs
Unlock the potential of your furry companion with the Piloting Method of dog training.
Kerry Stack
5 min read

Dog Training Basics: Tips to Controlling A Situation
Training our dogs to be calm is lovely theory, but what about a situation already out of control? Learn my tricks to regaining a calm dog.
Kerry Stack
9 min read

5 Key Training Goals Every Dog Owner Should Consider
What are your dog training goals? Leash walking? Housebreaking? Something loftier? Let's focus on the most important dog training goals.
Kerry Stack
8 min read

Understanding Your Goals: A Key Step in Dog Training
Dog training starts with identifying your goals for your dog. But what happens when those goals get muddled? Disaster.
Kerry Stack
8 min read
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Dog Training Basics: The Myth of "More" in Dog & Puppy Training
Shirley's 115lb dog Jasper was a terror at the door, knocking people down and running amok. But was more dog training the answer?
Kerry Stack
4 min read

Teaching Your Dog or Puppy Patience: Simple Impulse Control Training
Your dog jumps, barks and is out of control. Find out how to quickly fix these behaviors (and others) by teaching your dog impulse control.
Kerry Stack
7 min read
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