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Dog Training 101: Why Your Dog is an Asshat

Recognizing that there is a challenge is the first step in training your dog or addressing their behavior. Your dog isn't a bad dog; they just need a little help understanding human expectations. By gently guiding and shaping your dog's behavior, you can put their training back on track and have friends commenting on what a sweet and well-behaved dog you have.

Brown dog with a purple collar, looking sideways, outdoors on a sunny day. Background of dry grass. A calm, contemplative expression.
Never negotiate with kids. They don’t have life experience, and they don’t have repercussions for bad decisions; they still get fed and housed.  - Gene Simmons

I never thought that I’d be using a Gene Simmons quote in my blogs, but there you go.  Sometimes life takes a funny turn, and his quote was perfect for what I wanted to tackle today:  this image that has been floating around The Internets.

Wow.  Just wow.  I don’t even know where to start with this.  Ready for an unpopular, possibly offensive truth?  

If your dog is making people uncomfortable, it's most likely because he is an asshole.

There.  I said it. I guarantee a lot of other people were thinking it, and just never told you.  And even worse, you’re pretty much victim-blaming.  So now that we have opened up that can of worms, let’s get down to business and de-asshole your dog.

What’s making people uncomfortable about your dog? Let’s break it down:

Fido is in their personal space.

I love dogs.  Like, absolutely LOVE, dogs.  However, I don’t like dog drool. Or Gene Simmons, and I personally don’t want to be licked by either of them. 

Think about it.  How would you feel if a stranger came up to you and was completely in your personal space?  Uncomfortable, right? 

Or what if I invited you to my house, let my kids climb all over you and trample you, but stated that if my kids were making you uncomfortable, I can lock you up in another room? (C’mon, they’re only trying to be friendly!)  Yet we accept that behavior from our dogs?  I guarantee that if your Fido tried that behavior with another dog, Fido would get corrected very quickly!  It’s about manners, and dogs have them the same way people do. Learn to expect good manners from your dog.

Fido is guarding. 

I can’t tell you how many times a client calls me to their house to work with their aggressive dog, and when I arrive and ring their doorbell, they simply let their dog loose on me to snarl, bark, and lunge at me.  Their reasoning?

“We wanted you to see what he does.”

Oh, by all means, let me whip up an anti-aggression incantation.  That will solve the problem!

I freaking know what Fido does…he’s aggressive towards strangers!  You told me on the phone!

I know how to deal with a dog who is snarling at me, or giving me “fuck off” body language.  You stand perfectly still and let the dog thoroughly investigate you.  You do not move.  You do not make eye contact.  Even after decades of doing this, it’s still terrifying every time it happens to me (usually at least once a week).  I have resources, knowledge and experience.  What do your guests have? Fear and anxiety.  And you have a potential lawsuit coming your way when Fido finally snaps.  Just because he’s never bitten anyone before doesn’t mean he never will.  And no, the answer isn’t just to “just let Fido smell you, and then he’ll be fine.”

Your dog is jumping/trampling your guests. 

And what do you do about it?


Yeah, it’s not helping. Fido is still jumping.

I work with quite a few “aggressive” dogs. Usually at least one per week.  And you should see all the massive bruises and injuries I have…from “friendly” dogs jumping on me.  My legs look like I play professional soccer without shin guards.  I have scratches all over me (yes, even through denim jeans).  All because of Fido who “just wants to make friends”.  Sorry, but consent exists with dogs the same way it exists with humans. 

Your dog is hurting me, and it’s not a game, nor is it cute.

As I said, we need to un-asshole your dog. Let’s start with how you perceive your dog.  It has to do with your soft bigotry of low expectations. You expect so little from your dogs.  You claim that your dogs are your kids, yet you allow behaviors from your dog that you’d never tolerate from your children (I hope!).  

The thing to remember is that it’s not about having perfectly well behaved kids/dogs; it’s about having a game plan for anything that happens.  Can you predict that your preschooler would suddenly start rifling through great aunt Bertha’s purse? No, that was unexpected. But what makes you a good parent is how you deal with the situation, or more importantly, if you deal with the situation.

I firmly believe in treating everyone appropriately.  Dogs are great dogs…they just suck at being human.  Kids are great kids…they just suck at being adults.  It’s up to you to be the adult human in the situation and to Pilot them through whatever issues or questions they are currently embroiled in. So let’s get started.

Brown dog in front of a height chart. Text: "Why Your Dog is an Asshat. Dog Training Differently." Tagline: "read more." Appears humorous.

Piloting Your Dog vs. Training Your Dog

It starts with Piloting.  Piloting is answering your dog’s questions, and they have a lot of questions.  “Can I jump on you?”  “Can I eat that chocolate?” Wanna snuggle?”

You answer each question according to how you feel.  My answers would be No, No and Yes respectively.  How do you give a negative?  Using simple body language outlined here.   No prong collar.  No shock collar. No need for a spray bottle full of vinegar(?!) (seriously, I’ve been hearing this a lot…stop it). 

It’s about creating a conversation with your dog rather than focusing on control or domination (or bribery).  Communicate, don’t dominate, or subjugate to alleviate…

…sorry, that was a little INXS.

And if you got that, you are now feeling old.

Just remember, it’s a conversation.  Your dog isn’t bad, Fido just has questions.  So answer them!

I’m going to give you a bonus hint:  I don’t ask my kids or my dogs if they want to do something.  I tell them, and then ask for questions.

Example, if I want my kids to empty the dishwasher and re-load it.

Me: River, would you please empty the dishwasher and then load it?


Me: River, I want you to please empty the dishwasher and then load the dirty dishes.  Do you have any questions?

Do you see the difference?  If River does indeed have questions, (“Do I have to?”), I’m prepared with my answer.  I do not negotiate.  I will listen to hear reasoning why she shouldn’t have to (and sometimes she’s correct), but I do not make deals with her.  I do not lower my expectations unless new or different information is given.

For example, if River says she doesn’t want to because she wants to play video games, oh well!  I want a pony and I don’t have a pony.  Now get in there and do the dishes.  But if she says she doesn’t want to because she’s trying to (legit) study for her test tomorrow, I may change my mind about her doing dishes, based upon the new information.

How does this apply to your dog?  Suppose I show up to your house and Fido starts to jump on me.  It’s up to you to Pilot your dog, giving them a negative through Piloting. And they accept your answer, calming down.  Nice job!

But what if later while I'm at your house, you see Fido start to jump on me again?  You start to give him another negative, but then I tell you that I started it because I wanted to wrestle with him.  What do you do?  Let it go?  Give a negative anyway?

The answer is entirely up to you. If you decide you don’t want your dog getting riled, you give me a negative  If you are okay with us wrestling around, then by all means let it go.   You’re the Pilot; you are actively choosing to let a behavior continue, rather than not doing anything about it because you don’t know what to do.  Remember, it’s not about having the dog with the perfect manners all the time. That dog doesn’t exist.  But now you don’t have to tolerate those unsavory behaviors any longer.

So congratulations, we’ve successfully de-assholed your dog!  And let’s face it, he probably wasn’t really an asshole to begin with.  He’s just a dog.  A wonderful, intelligent, perfect dog….who really sucked at being human.

Dog Training vs. Dog Life

By focusing on dog life, rather than dog training, our goals can become so much more attainable and clear-cut. Most of us don't want an obedient dog, we just don't want a dis-obedient dog. Robot-style dogs who are afraid of stepping out of line are for certain types of people I guess.

But that's not my style. That's why I developed the Piloting method of dog training over 20 years ago, a force-free method of dog training and puppy training that didn't rely on abusive shock collars or cruel prong collars, yet didn't constantly bribe with non-stop click-n-treat style dog training. I want a bond with my dog based on trust and communication.

Tablet displaying "Ultimate Guide to Dog Behavior" with dog's face, on a desk with a pen. Text: "Free dog training workbook. PDF file."

Struggling With Training Your Dog?

By concentrating on a dog behavior through communication rather than merely dog training, our objectives become much clearer and more achievable.

Most of us aren't looking for a completely obedient dog; we just don't want a disobedient one. Dogs that behave like robots, afraid to make mistakes, suit certain people, but that's not my style.

That's why I created the Piloting method of dog training over 20 years ago. It's a force-free technique for training dogs and puppies that avoids using harsh shock or prong collars, and doesn't rely on constant click-and-treat methods. I aim for a bond with my dog built on trust and communication, not domination or bribery.

Discover more about our Piloting method for training dogs and puppies with our in-home dog training and behavioral packages. Outside the Greater Cleveland Area? Check out our virtual coaching packages.

Text on white background: "Keep Calm and Pilot On" and "Kerry Stack" in script. "Darwin Dogs," "dog training differently," and website below.

Dog Training and Behavior

Assisting Dogs and Their Owners

Throughout the Greater Cleveland Region and Beyond

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